Thursday, September 01, 2005

Appreciating A Little Sex In Your Politics

It is relatively silly to think that in depriving the lower--in any way, shape, manner, or form--that the higher will stand to profit. Unfortunatley, though, this silly sort of thought and thinking is what much of the spiritual and religious rhetoric has been oriented towards: robbing the base in order to prop up the penthouse.

No one would even dare consider that there would need to be an effort to deprive the roots of a tree in order that it will be allowed to grow all that much higher. The ascent of the tree is not fostered by depriving the roots of that same tree. Yet consider the attitude of humanity towards what is considered base and underground and beneath us. Consider the human attitude, in general, towards that which is seen as being 'lower' than us in some sense. The aversion to the base--to that which winds and wends its way through the dark humus of the Underworld--is such that there is this mad and vain hope that we can deprive the below in order to accentuate the above.

Sacred texts have tended to include the example of Trees as somehow being synonymous with the life of a human-being. In the Book of Genesis there is both the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Everlasting Life. The Buddha sat under the proverbial Bodhi Tree during his Enlightenment. Trees are somehow profoundly archetypal in how they convey, symbolically, the nature of what it is to be human. Even our arteries and veins branch out, our nervous system as well. Dendrites in the brain also exhibit a very Tree-like nature.

And what do we know of the Tree? Could it be that the Tree-above is one with the fate of the Tree- below? The leaf-Tree and the root-Tree are joined in a common fate and destiny. To the extent that the root-Tree is deprived then that is the extent to which the leaf-Tree fails to unfold its potential. We simply can't rob Peter to pay Paul without some dire consequences arising along the way.

It is as if the lower chakras, in a sense, feed the higher chakras. Our sexuality and passion nourish from below our psychology, our politics, our art, our science. Perhaps it is high-time we grew wary of being led or informed by those whose politics is devoid of sex and sensuality.


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