Thursday, November 24, 2005

Birthing Worlds

There is more than a fair share of earnestness and striving when it comes to work and love. There is both so much desire and frustration of that desire. We want, long, plan, plot, scheme, beg, plead, and pray for meaning in both our jobs and our intimacies.

Careers and relationships have truly been a 'hot topic' for many, many years now. There may have never been a time when we didn't wonder, 'What am I to do?,' along with 'Who am I to do it with?' This 'What am I here for?' and 'Who I am to be here with?' are central questions that we strive to answer in the journey that is our life. People who have traversed continents and travelled across oceans are living examples of the significance held by those questions.

Perhaps our life is really an ongoing attempt to answer those questions: to find meaning and significance in terms of who or what we give birth to as well as who we give birth with. Do we give birth with Exxon-Mobil? Do we give birth with the United States military establishment? Do we give birth with the Giovanni crime syndicate? Do we give birth with Ken Wilber and his Integral Fellows? Do we give birth with that young man who caught our eye last night? Who do we dance with in the 'making of a world?'

Isn't that it? Aren't we in the process of constructing worlds in alliance with those we dance with? Whether that dance resembles a 'mosh-pit' or a 'tango,' isn't the primary point that we are in thge process of 'giving birth to a world' in the form and manner of our relations with others. Worlds of War. Worlds of Peace. Worlds of Strife and Vengeance. Worlds of Welcoming Warmth and Friendly Faces. Worlds arise in our dancing, in our commingling, in our exchanges.

We build trust or we build animosity in our relations. The nature of our exchanges largely determines the nature of the world we will come to inhabit. We cheat others and the unconscious guilt we feel over that will plague us with fantasies of paranoia. We will literally feel threatened--attacked by our own conscience.

The world is being made now.... and now... and now... and yes, even now worlds are coming into being on the qualitative basis of our exchanges. And where do the primary exchanges take place if not in our working and our loving?


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