Worldly Resistance To Soul-Emergence
If we are authentic in what we do (our work, specifically) then it seems to follow that we are going to encounter resistance of one sort or another. In fact, one might even be able to suggest that the level of resistance that one encounters in terms of actualizing soul in our work is directly proportional to the level of soul in that work. No resistance, on the other hand, may be said to be more or less evidence for a 'lack of soul.'
Soul is that provocative. In a way, soul is alien to this-world. We are, as soul 'not of this-world,' as a wise man once put it. Therefore, it would seem to follow that to the degree that we are actually embodying and expressing soul in work would elicit some sense of alien-ness from the world. The world (the status quo, the given, pre-constructed traditions based on the wasness and the isness alike) is perplexed by soul. Soul seems 'other' to a world formed on the basis of so many yesterdays. Soul appears odd and disconcerting to the world. Hence, the resistance soul provokes.
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