Thursday, September 08, 2005

Philosophy As Loving Wisdom

Imagine stumbling around most of your life not knowing up from down, in from out, or right from left. Imagine not being able to orient yourself appropriately to the world. Imagine not being 'wise' to what is going on. Or maybe you don't have to imagine. Maybe you live--at least part of the time!

The etymological roots (Greek) of the word 'philosophy' have to do with the 'love of wisdom.' Philo = love. Sophos = wise. Loving wisdom.

Philosophy, then, is not about big words like epistemology and phenomenology and qualia, or pithy little Latin references like a posteriori and a priori. Philosophy is an affair of the heart. Real philosophy is erotic.

Philosophy is a form of love. It is one of the aspects that Love can take on in this-world. And there is, dare I say it, romance inherent in the original intent behind philosophy. It is a romantic vision of what the world--the human world, our relationships and our politics--can be like if we become wise, if we grow in our understanding, if we learn more, if we remain devoted to what is Good, True, and Beautiful.

Philosophy, then, if it is real philo-sophia, and not just pure mental masturbation, is from the Heart. The Heart is the locus, the center-point of our inquiries. We want to grow wise because we love... because we care. And better loving comes about through 'loving wisdom'--through philosophy.


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