Monday, February 27, 2006

A Notification Of Impending Experiments

I have decided to make of this life an experiment. My sense is that there is a need for me (for others?) to explore more deeply the potential inherent in standard, traditional forms of spirituality. What I am getting as it whether or not there are any objective indicators of the effectiveness of traditional transformative practices.

What do I mean by objective indicators of effectiveness? Am I talking about 'measurement' here? Yes. Yes I am. The 'reign of quantity' is not over. The process of objectification can have its place; it does have its merits.

For example, say I am going to pray for a month straight. Say I endeavour to engage in a prayer-full spirit for 30 days. Now, let me ask you what kinds of measurements can I take before those 30 days commence and after? What kinds of measurable quantities exist in life that might give me an indication of the effectiveness of prayer, the neutrality of prayer (no change), or the maleficence of prayer (harmful consequences/results)? Should I just take into account the numbers that exist under my name in the Credit Union as a measurable form of data? Should I wiegh myself before and after? Should I do a BMI (Body-Mass Index) to check my % of bodyfat pre- and post experiment?

Maybe I could have my blood drawn and have a series of labs done to check the status of the various bio-markers that are signs of health and/or disease? That is an objective, measurable form of data, isn't it?


I just want to know what works. I am interested in 'results' at this point. No. Not the mystical language and the poetic rimunations on the Non-Dual Source and Suchness of the Cosmos (Kosmos anyone?). I just want an effective form of existing; which includes being able to deal more effectively with difficulty and hardship. Not to mention I tend to prefer pleasurable states. So, how can these be generated. Is prayer a process whereby we can be strengthened in soul, spirit, mind, and body? Is prayer helpful when it comes to living?



How am I going to conduct this experiment? What are the experimental parameters that I am going to be employing? What is the 'T-factor?' How much time am I going to invest in praying?

My interest is not so much in setting aside an allotted time for parying as much as my interest is in maintaining a prayer-full mode of being at all times! As it is put in the Bible by the Apostle Paul, I am going to 'pray without ceasing.' It is not so much about the 5 minute quickie prayer or the marathon retreat session of prayer on bended knee. After all, if prayer is going to be effective--i.e., it is going to manifest beneficial results for simple, ordinary human beings like you and I (oh, you are not simple and ordinary? sorry!)--then the experimental envelope in which prayer is being subjected to for analysis and inquiry has to be the same as the average living conditions we expect to encounter on most days. It does no good to set up 'special conditions' to pray while in experimental mode and then have no indication of whether or not those conditions will translate into the lives of the non-experimenting layperson (you and I, Tom and Sue, Steve and Ahmed).


Because our lives do not exist in isolation I see no merit in studying prayer as an effective transformational avenue in the laboratory sealed off from the messiness of the world. In fact, what we want to do is study and experiment with prayer in the midst of the messiness, chaos, and tumult of the world. Again, if prayer is going to be effective then it needs to be effective for the single-parent working two jobs and trying to support three kids as it is for the lone, hermit recluse on the mountaintop, or the monk at the Abbey.

So, with that in mind, I will experiment with prayer where prayer needs to work--provided it can work! And that is right in the midst of rush-hour traffic and cranky bosses who obviously didn't 'get any' over the weekend! ; o )


Who am I going to be praying to, you now ask. Allah? YHWH? Zeus? Cronos? Ganesh? Vishnu? Jesus? Who exactly am I going to direct my prayers to? Where is He/She? Who is He/She? Who am I hoping will hear my prayers?

In answering this the understanding gets really cool. I am so excited to be explaining this that I can barely contain myself. Really! This is awesome. It is awesome that I am going to be directing prayer to no one in particular and everyone in particular all at the same time. How so? Because there is no separation inherent in the nature and make-up of our existence in this-world (the Cosmos is a seamless energetic/informational Whole) any and all prayers are non-local the moment they are uttered. And the 'utterance' I take to be crucial. The emittance of sound-waves are akin to being the local corollary to the non-local nature of information.

It is as there is a reverbation of what we utter in our immediate surroundings---which by rule of natural law will make an immediate impact. So the utterance becomes the local and immediate expression of a non-local phenomena that has Cosmic implications. This is why I am saying that I am not going to be praying to a 'God' and yet I am going to be praying to 'just that God' and everyone and everything else at the same time!

For example, Buddhists often pray (yeah, Buddhists pray too!) for the 'liberation of all sentient beings.' His Holiness the Dalai Lama has confessed to praying for the 'happiness of everyone.' It is in that same spirit that I intend to pray during the experiment I am about to conduct.

A Prayer For The Cosmos Is A Prayer For Everyone

This isn't my attempt to get all 'New Age' and 'foo-foo' on ya'all. Hard-core, mainstream science conducted in state of the art laboratories with the latest technology, inquiring into the basest of elemental energies has revealed the permeability of what were once deemed static boundaries. We are shot through with the 'stuff of Stars.' And I don't mean Britney Spears and Brad Pitt! I mean that the Cosmos is a Field of Information and Energy that only appears to be frozen, fixed, and solid because of the normal manner in which so-called 'things' are perceived by us humans. At far subtler levels it is revealed to us that the apparent solidity is just an 'appearance' and not 'reality.' Reality is far more fluid in fact than it appears to us to be at first glance.

It is that fluidity of fact--rather than fiction--that allows for our transformation here on Earth as it is in Heaven. Apart from that fluidity we would be totally 'fixed.' And not 'fixed' in a good way either!! We would be incapable of growth. We would not be able to be transformed. If we were lost we would be lost forever. That condition would be unchanging. Thankfully it is not so. Transformation is possible. And my Heart of Hearts tells me that there are exceedingly 'traditional avenues of transformation' that have yet to receive the acclaim and merit that they deserve. That is why I am doing this. Because I want to know if prayer works firsthand. I don't want it to be a part of my life because Momma or Daddy said it was good for me; or because the Pope does it! Instead, I will be a 'lamp unto myself' for then there will be no doubt. I will know that prayer is effective or not. I will no beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Note: I'd like to thank Paul Salamone for his entries on his experience with the Integral Lie Practice Kit. He has proved himself both informational and inspirational. Thanks Paul (I just hope it was not a 'work requirement' that you do so!). ; o )


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