Monday, February 20, 2006

Diverse Needs & Forms Of Expression

I suspect that if we were only 'emotional' beings then the mere expression of our emotions would be totally satisfying. Likewise would intellectual pursuits leave us completely contented if we were only 'mental' beings. But we are not are we? We are not 'just this' or 'just that.' We are 'just this... and then some!'

It may be why drugs and psychedelic experiences leave us dry after a time. It could be why sex for the sake of sex is an inevitable dead-end. It could be why total immersion in any one single area of human endeavour is bound to leave us 'empty' inside.

And so, if the proof is in the pudding, as the saying goes, then have we not come to understand that no 'single thing' can ever satisfy the necessity bourne of our multi-dimensional nature? Do we not know enough to know that we can't find happiness in monotheism; where we make idols of romance, work, sex, drugs, mystical experiences, enlightenment, truth, philosophy, science, spirituality, guys, girls, children, lovers, and roles we hope will be 'The Answer?'


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