The Reclamation Of Subtle Energy
How are we to access subtle energy? How can we lay claim to those hidden reserves? How might we open up to what is made available to us by the mere fact of our existing, such as we do? After all, in terms of work and love, any increased access to subtle energy on our part is liable to have an impact on our capacity for both working and loving. It means we can love more and work more. It means that our loving and working will both have a more 'energetic feel' to them.
Think about it from the standpoint of physics, and consider what has been mentioned elsewhere on this blog: namely that the work we are able to do is contingent upon the energy that is available to us. So, if we have more access to subtle energy do you not think that it will stand to increase our capacity for work. All of which we might take to mean our capacity for creativity--i.e., for giving to the world, for birthing, for purposes of emergence.
Subtle Energy As Clouds of Glory
The English poet William Wordsworth wrote that we come into this world 'trailing coulds of glory.' We come, in other words, with a subtle body that has energetic properties. For the fortunate few in this-world those 'clouds of glory' are honoured and respected by those who are given to embrace the child's (re)incarnation into this-world again. For such children there is no painful experience of dissociation from the subtle body; one that results in a pervasive sense of emptiness and passionlessness deep inside of one's self. For those fortunate ones their subtle body, hence subtle energy, is welcomed into this-world.
If those metaphorical 'clouds of glory' are respected in the form of a child's innate energetic disposition and feel, often manifesting in the form of some gift or innate talent, then that child will tend to bring more energy to his or her play as a child--which means that if all goes well the child will be able to bring more energy to his or her working and loving as an adult.
Now, for those who are made to experience a denigration of the subtle body there is a need to reclaim the subtle body for one's own sake. Many who experience such a fate end up entering into therapy of one sort or another. It is summarized in what has become known as 'regression in the service of transcendence': the need to go back and re-connect with the subtle body in the form of those 'trailing clouds of glory' so that one can have more a sense of fullness and passion in one's loving and working.
And that is how it must be. I mean, how can we relate gracefully in an energy-deprived state? How can we work well in such a state? Do we need not energy to engage the world--not just gross energy in the form of food and respiration, but that energy that is tied up with our subtle body; those 'clouds of glory' that are the birthright of each and every child?
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