How's This For Subtlety??
I am sure that the first person to stumble across some petroleum bubbling up from the ground may not have realized the energy that it contained--at least not until a flame came into contact with it. Then an eventful, world-transforming Ka-Boom! disclosed the energy locked within what may have appeared to have been an innocuous black sludge.
I often get the sense that this is just how subtle energy exists: that it is ever-present and totally evident, although unrecognized until the energy is released via some form of ignition. We are immersed ina fields of subtle energy yet know it not. For instance, have you ever been around someone who 'just went off'--who went into what appeared at the time to be a totally inappropriate emotional storm or tirade when there seemed to be no rhyme or reason for it. I know I have. And I bet you have too.
Obviously when that happens there is a ton of energy that is being released--emotional energy, psychological energy... subtle energy. It is like a 'subtle form of energy' has been ignited to the point where there is a literal explosion of power and forcefulness. And yet, just a moment before that and one would not have been able to see any evidence for the existence of this 'subtle energy,' i.e., one would not have been able to confess to the existence of that energy.
But it must be there somewhere, right? I mean, if energy can neither be created nor destroyed, in accordance with the Law of the Conservation of Energy, then the energy that we see being unleashed in a torrent of cursing and slamming doors must have been stored somewhere. Like the innocent enough looking sludge, there is no clue, no hint of what devastation or destruction is possible by our unwittingly lighting someone else's subtle fuse.
After the fact we may look around at others with that quizzical, beffudled countenance that says,'What the hell was that all about?' Even the person who 'went off' may wonder what the hell happened. They may even confess something like, 'I don't know what got into me... I really don't... I just lost it there for a minute.'
Perhaps they didn't really 'lose it,' though. Maybe they found it. They found where 'subtle energy' had become trapped. They found where energy had become bottled up and where pressure had built. And it is an important discovery to find out where 'subtle energy' tends to accumulate in us psychologically (as well as physically in our musculo-skeletal system). Because once we can discover that energy we have the possibility of accessing it for the purpose of creative and worthy pursuits in accordance with our passion for love and work. To me that is a better path to take than having all of that 'subtle energy' stored away in some unconscious corner of the body-mind... only waiting for the day when someone finally 'sets us off!'
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