Trouble With Transformation
I've had this thing with 'transformation.' Change. Change for the better. Growth. Maturation. Novelty. Becoming. This deep and earnest desire for things to be different. Different for the world. Different for others. Different for my self.
Part of this may be a sense of the incompleteness of 'things as they are.' One's potential lies waiting to emerge. So a desire for change is a desire to become--as the US Army put it in an ad--'all you can be.'
The irony in this becomes apparent in realizing that a desire for transformation is a perhaps a desire to become one's self... to realize one's essence... to attain one's destiny... to fulfill one's own dharma or drama. The trouble with this 'journey of becoming' through an ever-unfolding transformational process is the unrest that tends to become a constant. Growth is like perpetual unrest. Transformation... uhm... like a dis-ease.
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